Prince George's Memorial Library System Oral History Project
Dublin Core
Prince George's Memorial Library System Oral History Project
Library System Oral history
The PGCMLS Oral History Project is an initiative with the goal of documenting the voices and experiences of current and former staff members employed by the Prince George’s County Memorial Library System. This oral history piece is one facet of a large project of presenting and recording the library system’s history comprehensively via photographs, documents, and other primary sources. Established in 1946 in Prince George’s County, PGCMLS’s nearly 80 year history and generations of staff represent decades of institutional memory and service to the communities it serves. These interviews are intended to capture some of these stories and memories for both current and future use. In addition to providing an archive of PGCMLS staff experiences, this collection of oral histories acts as a tool for people interested in library work to hear firsthand accounts of what it is to work in a large public library in a variety of settings and departments.
Disclaimer: The digital content exhibited in these collections is presented as documentation and perspectives on history and past events; they may reflect personal memories, opinions, and perspectives that are not necessarily the official position of Prince George’s Memorial Library System or any other Library staff. Some material may contain subject matter or language that may be considered sensitive or upsetting. These collections are copyrighted and are intended for educational purposes.
Disclaimer: The digital content exhibited in these collections is presented as documentation and perspectives on history and past events; they may reflect personal memories, opinions, and perspectives that are not necessarily the official position of Prince George’s Memorial Library System or any other Library staff. Some material may contain subject matter or language that may be considered sensitive or upsetting. These collections are copyrighted and are intended for educational purposes.
Special Collections Staff
May 5, 2024
Digital sound